A w a r d e d f o r D e v e l o p i n g W i n e T o u r i s m : W i n e o f M o l d o v a . A L i v i n g L e g e n d


We are extremely proud to announce that we have been honored with the prestigious “Wine of Moldova: A Living Legend” award for our contribution to the development of wine tourism in Moldova.

This award is a tribute to our passion for wine and the beauty of our location, as well as our dedication to promoting the culture of Moldovan wine. With every guest we welcome, we share not just fine wines but also a part of our story and the history of this magnificent wine region.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this award possible and warmly invite you to visit us to explore the fascinating world of Moldovan wine at Chateau Cojușna!