about us
O u r S t o r y

With a tradition dating back to 1995, Chateau Cojușna has grown into a renowned company in the wine industry. We are one of the largest producers and exporters of wines and divin in Moldova.
Currently, our company owns over 200 hectares of vineyards with both European and local grape varieties, ensuring the highest quality raw materials.
Our goal has always been, and remains, to create wines worthy of international recognition. Then and now, we have stayed consistent in promoting the art of honoring Moldovan traditions and wines with the hallmark of quality.
Our history
C h a t e a u C o j u ș n a - T h e a r t t o r e s p e c t t r a d i t i o n s

M e d a l s w o n a t i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m p e t i t i o n s

our team
M e e t o u r k e y p e o p l e

Grigore Panuș

Mihail Cracan

Victor Efros

Sergiu Pinzari
T h r e e d e c a d e s o f h i s t o r y

The beginning
The founding of the company Migdal-P.
1997 - 1999
The construction of the winery
The launch of the factory construction project in the picturesque locality of Cojușna, laying the foundation for our superior quality production.

2005 - 2006
We planted over 200 hectares of vineyards in the Codru region, ensuring the highest quality raw materials.
Divin Distillery
The first company in the Republic of Moldova to install French “Charentais” equipment for brandy distillation, adding an extra touch of refinement to our products.

Grand Prize Winners
Designated the best winery of the year in the Republic of Moldova, at the National Wine Day – recognizing our efforts to produce high-quality wines.
The launch of the first 10-year-old XO divin
The first 10-year-old divin was launched under the Midgal trademark.

Piatra Roșie becomes the most awarded wine of Chateau Cojușna
Due to the unique combination of Merlot, Ancellotta, and Alicante grape varieties, the dry red wine Piatra Roșie has instantly won the hearts of wine lovers.
The launch of the 15-year-old King XO divin
The launch of Chateau Cojușna XO divin with 15 years of aging, an expression of maturity and refinement in our collection.

about us
V i n e y a r d s a n d T e c h n o l o g y

With an impressive area of over 200 hectares of vineyards, we passionately cultivate both European and local grape varieties. We have decades of experience in wine production, and this is reflected in the quality of our products.
For us, quality is a priority. That is why we are certified according to the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. These certifications allow us to rigorously monitor environmental aspects, critical control points in the production process, and ensure the satisfaction of our customers.

With an impressive area of over 200 hectares of vineyards, we passionately cultivate both European and local grape varieties. We have decades of experience in wine production, and this is reflected in the quality of our products.
For us, quality is a priority. That is why we are certified according to the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. These certifications allow us to rigorously monitor environmental aspects, critical control points in the production process, and ensure the satisfaction of our customers.